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What is SEND?

SEND stands for - Special educational needs and disability.

A child or young person has special educational needs and disabilities if they have a learning difficulty and/or a disability that means they need special health and education support, we shorten this to SEND.

The SEND Code of Practice 2014 and the Children and Families Act 2014 gives guidance to health and social care, education and local authorities to make sure that children and young people with SEND are properly supported.

If you or a child that you care for needs extra health and education support, an application can be made for an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC) to your local council.

How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our SEND Provision?

The head teacher, SENCo and the leadership team regularly monitor and evaluate the quality of provision for all pupils. The school aims to use interventions in school that have proven outcomes and are evidence based.

The impact and effectiveness of SEND provision on the progress and outcomes for children on the SEND register is measured through:

• analysis of pupil tracking data and test results at pupil progress meetings

• progress against national data and based on their age and starting points.

• progress against individual outcomes

• pupils’ work and interviews

• robust evaluation of policy and practice (in team and staff meetings)

• SENCo/SLT/Governor monitoring

• Learning walks and observations of lessons and interventions

• Performance management

• Parent questionnaires

Department leaders and the SENCo map provision for each class. Decisions are made as to whether specific interventions are proving to be effective in terms of impact and time spent on them. Each year we review the needs of the cohort and if necessary make changes to our provision.

The SEND Governor is responsible for:

• monitoring the effective implementation of the SEND policy

• liaising termly with the SENCo

• reporting to the governing body on SEND

• ensuring that pupils with SEND participate fully in school activities


What is effective SEN provision? 

Special educational provision is any educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for other children or young people of the same age. This is a wide definition, and could cover a wide range of things, for example: having materials provided in a larger font.

Highfield Primary School recognises its duties under the SEND Code of Practice. 

As a school, we ensure that our approach to the curriculum complies with the duties set out in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.  This means that we make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs.

Each year as a school, we look closely at the curriculum offer through the SEND lens, adapting planning accordingly to meet the needs of our children, in order that we are increasing the extent to which ALL pupils can participate in the curriculum.   

The Code of Practice is the statutory special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25 from 1 September 2014.

In our school we have access to various specialist services.  We have access to services universally provided by Southampton City Council, which are described on the local offer website.


Mr C Iszatt is our school SENCo.  If you would like to contact him, please email or call us on 02380 555793.