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Local Offer

All schools have a duty to publish their offer for SEND pupils which aligns with both national and local authority expectations. The Southampton Local Authority “Offer” can be accessed via the following link:

Here is what our school offers children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:

Highfield C E Primary School Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Our Mission statement:

 All children are valued and included regardless of abilities, needs and behaviours.

 All children are entitled to a broad, balanced and enriching curriculum which is adapted as appropriate to meet individual

 All our teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs.

 All our children can learn and make progress.

 Effective assessment and provision for children with SEND will be secured in partnership with parent / carers, children, LA and
other partners.

 Maintaining children’s safety and wellbeing is central to their development.


The following table demonstrates how we put support in place for all pupils with SEND (including the areas of need below).

 Learning difficulties

 Communication difficulties

 Autism spectrum

 Specific learning difficulties

 Physical difficulties and medical needs

 Sensory difficulties

 Behaviour, emotional and social difficulties
including mental health

Whole School Response -Universal Quality First
Targeted short/medium term
support for individuals and small groups
Specialised individual support Medium/longer term
Teaching Approaches
The school regularly monitors your child’s progress in meeting their targets and if they are not making enough progress they will be highlighted for the attention of senior leadership team (SLT).  The Special Educational Needs Coordinator
(SENCo) will co-ordinate any necessary and appropriate interventions.All classes indicate their timetable to the class in order to create a predictable learning environment.There are parents’ evenings (Autumn and Spring) and Summer reports
are sent out at the end of each year to parents.All Teachers are teachers of Children with SEND. Teachers will make provision within the classroom for children who require additional support.
Assessment for learning is used to support planning for different
levels of attainment. Small groups may be supported by either the Class Teachers
or Teaching Assistants (TAs) as appropriate.Children who are not making progress may become part of a stalling
plan and additional resources put in place to accelerate progress in specific
Work is differentiated to meet individual children’s needs. There is
careful targeting of individual support  and personalised Interventions are put in
place for pupils who are not making progress.
curriculum Approaches
Children and young people will have full access to the National
Curriculum and Religious Education. The National Curriculum will be differentiated to take account of children’s particular needs and will be modified to suit children’s academic and personal development.We also emphasis the learning to learn skills such as being Resilient, resourceful , reciprocal and reflective as part of developing a more holistic approach to becoming a good learner.
Interventions link directly to the national curriculum and targets are written to support children in catching up. The school always respond to any concerns raised by parents. The
SENCo may carry out additional testing when additional ducational needs are identified. Parents will be consulted if outside agencies need to be involved. Where individualised plans are needed these are written and reviewed by the pupil, class teachers, the SENCo and parents as appropriate.
At Highfield C E Primary the needs of children with SEND are
addressed during transition meetings between current and receiving teachers.
All staff are made aware of specific needs of child and are advised on teaching strategies for Quality First teaching.Teaching and support staff regularly receive training which is aimed at maximising participation, access and achievement of children with SEND and to support quality teaching. We are an inclusive school, where all teachers are teachers of children with SEND and the whole school community respects the rights and needs of others.
We offer plenty of opportunities for over learning and consolidation of concepts. Regular opportunities to access individual and small group work is provided to develop independence and organisational skills which includes working on targets agreed with the child. Children with SEND in school may also be supported by external
agencies and parents are always consulted. The primary contacts for these agencies are the SENCo although class teachers and TAs are also involved. It is the responsibility of the SENCo to organise external support and maintain
Environment and physical
Highfield C E Primary school is an inclusive setting that welcomes
all children regardless of their abilities. Our school is made up of two sites, an Infant site (located in Church lane ) and a Junior Department in
Hawthorn Road. The Infant department is a Victorian building whilst the
Junior department is a more modern building with wider grounds. Reasonable
adjustments are made to include all members of the school community. We
always recommend a school visit to ensure that the reasonable adjustments
that have been made within both sites are suitable for the needs of a child.
Highfield School prepares children for changes and provides support
to manage unpredictable events and at times of transition between the Infant
and Junior sites as well as into secondary school. Some children may need additional transition work to enable them to
cope with changes and this is managed in consultation with the class teachers
and SENCo.
The SENCo co-ordinates the liaison of multi-agency working to support children with SEND .Funding is targeted at children who require specific support by providing 1-1 teaching assistant support where possible.
We work with families to meet the needs of all pupils with their
social, emotional and behavioural development. There is a caring child
centred ethos which aims to get to know children well and to understand all
matters in relation to their well-being.
If children require additional focused support with their social, emotional and behavioural development teachers may offer individualised targets to the children. They may also use techniques such as class circle
times to discuss any difficulties in a structured and respectful environment.
Each class has a Sweet and Sour Box or may use a techniques such as “Bubble
Time” so that children can communicate their worries privately and know that
these are then followed up by adults.
At our school, we have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
(ELSA). ELSAs are Teaching Assistants (TAs) who have received additional
training from educational psychologists on aspects of emotional literacy
including emotional awareness, self-esteem, anger management, social and friendship
skills, social communication difficulties, loss, bereavement and family
break-up. Our ELSA can support pupils on a one-to-one basis when required.
They can liaise with parents/carers in order to support the child. This
additional support is co-ordinated in consultation with the SENCO and parents
and teachers are involved in agreeing ELSA programme and outcomes for the


Frequently asked questions from the parent/carer’s point of view:

How does Highfield C E Primary School know if children need extra
help?What should I do if I think my child/young person may have special
educational needs?
Highfield C E Primary School is committed to early identification of
special educational needs. A range of evidence is collected through the school assessment and monitoring arrangements: if this suggests that the learner is not making the expected progress, the teachers will decide whether additional and / or different provision is necessary. If you are concerned you need to speak to your child’s teacher, or contact the SENCo.
How will staff at the school support my child?
Your child’s class teachers and the SENCo will oversee and plan your
child’s education programme. Depending on the intervention required, your child may be working at times in a small group aimed at supporting literacy and/or mathematics. Sometimes a student requires support to access the curriculum or to manage his or her behaviour, emotions, or to work on their social skills. In this case the ELSA may support your child to be a successful member of the school community. This will all be explained to you by your child’s class teacher, the ELSA or SENCo .
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
All our teachers are teachers of children with SEND. All teachers
plan to include everyone in their lessons and work is provided at the
appropriate levels for children to access their learning and make good progress. Planning is monitored rigorously by the Senior Leadership Team
How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to
support my child’s learning?
We have an open door policy at Highfield  School. There are termly parent evenings and you can ask for an appointment to speak with your child’s class teacher or the SENCo at a mutually convenient time. We also have open mornings held in the Spring Term and regular opportunities to come and be part of a “Stay and Share” on a Friday in the Infant department. You will receive a report at the end of the academic year and we will always ask to see any parents during the year who may need to be alerted to progress concerns.  Targets are set on in Autumn term and updated in the Spring term.We will contact you if we have concerns about your child’s progress and will invite you to additional meetings as necessary. Each term the school sends out a curriculum newsletter which gives an overview of what your child will be learning during that period. This is also includes suggestions on how
to support your child at home.If your child has a statement of SEND, an annual review is held according to the guidance in the Code of Practice.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well- being
At Highfield Primary School, we hold regular assemblies which focus
on different areas of personal health and social education. In class,
teachers may also hold class circle times when they need to address specific
issues. There are links with our partners in health, for example, with the
school nurse..We can also refer children to the school’s Educational welfare officer, a Tier 2 social worker and Speech and Language therapist. As a Church Of England Primary school, we are able to access additional support and help via Highfield Church and especially individuals who are responsible for children and families.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed
by Highfield CE primary ?
In addition to the above we link with other professionals such as
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Social Care, Educational Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Specialist teachers for children who have physical difficulties, specific learning difficulties and hearing impairment.
What training has been available for the staff supporting children
and young people with SEND?
Our SENCo is a qualified teacher, who is experienced in his role as
SENCO.  All staff receives regular training and updates for the main categories of special educational needs. During the academic year of 2013/2014 staff have received training on areas such as effective questioning, friendship skills, developing independent learners, autism and ABA training. The school nurse has also provided epi-pen training.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom
including school trips?
We make every effort to include all pupils in school trips. If an
individual risk assessment is required we will write this in order to ensure that everyone is as fully included as possible.We will also help prepare your child for any changes in their school day, such as school trips, activities weeks and sports day.
How accessible is Highfield C E Primary School?
We make reasonable adjustment where possible. Our Infant department, as a Victorian building, has steps and a sloped playground. There are steps from the school to access the church hall which serves as a hired hall for assemblies and lunchtime. There is an accessible toilet in each department.  We adapt the curriculum to ensure that ALL pupils are able to participate as fully as possible.
How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school
and then transfer to a new school?
All the primary staff attend transition meetings to pass on
information between the infant and junior departments in the Summer term.Year 6 class teachers  and the SENCO liaise with and secondary teaching staff, support staff and SENCo’s from feeder schools. Extra transition is arranged as necessary in addition to the City’s transition days. These can be arranged for individual children or small groups.
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s
special educational needs?
The Department for Education provides funding for schools to meet the needs of all children with SEND. This is worked out using the information about the children’s prior attainment and the socio-economic make up of our school cohort. We allocate support according to need. Additional interventions are funded to support children’s progress. If your child has a statement of SEND, we will ensure that the provision specified in Part 3 is provided.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my
child will receive?
The Senior Leadership Team hold regular team meetings where they
discuss children’s progress. Teachers attend termly meetings with a member of the senior leadership team where all children’s progress is reviewed. If a child is identified as needing additional support the SENCo is informed and in consultation with the class teacher extra provision is arranged.
Who can I contact for further information?
Your first point of contact if you want to discuss something about
your child is your child’s class teacher. A subsequent meeting can then be agreed with the SENCo, or any members of the school leadership team, if you are still have any concerns.


Frequently asked questions from the point of view of a young person:




How does Highfield School know if I need extra help?
Your teachers track your progress and they will know if you need extra help. They will also have got to know you since you started the school  and will know what extra help you have been getting.
What should I do if I think I need extra help?
You can talk to your adults in school. You can also talk to  someone at home and they can talk to your
How will my work be organised so that I can cope and get it all done?
Your teacher will give you work that will allow you to learn and make progress. They will make sure that it is not too easy and not too hard, but it will make you think. They will also talk about Building Learning Power skills with you.
If I have difficulties how can I be involved in planning my learning?
Your teacher, SENCo or TA will have a meeting with you to discuss how you are getting on. This is called a pupil conference. You will talk about your targets for learning and how else you feel you could be supported.
Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more
All the staff at Highfield School can help you to become independent, but if you feel really worried then talk to your teacher or your safe adult.
This could be your teacher, a TA or a member of the senior leadership team.
What should I do if I am worried about something?
Talk to your teacher, a TA, or any other familiar adult in the
How will I know if I am doing as well as I should?
Don’t worry because our teachers will let you know quickly if there is a problem. You will also have a school report at the end of each year and your teacher will meet with someone from home at least once a term to explain how you are doing. All children in our school have their own targets which tell them how well they are doing and also how to get better.
How can I get help if I am worried about things other than my school
Remember, everyone faces extra challenges from time to time. You can always talk to any member of staff at school who you feel comfortable talking to.
Are there staff in school who have been trained to help young people
who need extra help?
All our teachers and support staff have been trained to teach
children with learning needs. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator has lots of experience and will always try and help you.
If  I have difficulty in taking
part in school activities, what different arrangements can be made?a. How will I know who can help me?b. Who can I talk to about getting involved in school activities if I need extra help?
You will be introduced to all staff that will be working with you so that they understand your difficulties. If you feel comfortable, we could also let your friends know how they can help you.You can talk to your teachers, or another adult you trust if you would like to be involved in school activities where you may need extra help.
What extra help is there to help me get ready to start at my school?
We will talk to you, your parents and current setting. New Year R children undergo an extensive transition programme.  We liaise with other professionals who can also tell us what other help you may need to start our school.


What should you do if you feel that the Local Offer is:
Either not being delivered or is not meeting your child’s needs?

You should contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance and/or the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).

How is our local offer reviewed?
The local offer for Highfield C E Primary School will be reviewed regularly and amendments will be made in accordance with the School Development Plan and on information gathered from careful analysis of pupil progress.
