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Writing at Highfield

What about writing?

We believe in a ‘journey’ approach to writing. We start units by immersing pupils in a text which can involve real life experiences to build language and develop vocabulary. Pupils explore texts in different ways through reading and skill development, before crafting their own piece of writing.

The use of high quality books within the English curriculum is at the heart of a school’s successful approach to engage and support children to become motivated and independent readers. If children enjoy reading, they read more frequently and become better readers. With high quality texts driving the literacy journey, we ensure that children study a range of  rich texts during their time at Highfield. 



Our aim is that Highfield pupils will develop a love for writing whilst gaining the communication skills necessary to be successful learners. We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children take pride in their writing, can write clearly and accurately and adapt their language and style for a range of contexts. We want to inspire children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening and who can use discussion to communicate and further their learning.

We believe that children need to develop a secure knowledge-base in literacy, which follows a clear pathway of progression as they advance through the primary curriculum. We believe that a secure basis in literacy skills is crucial to a high-quality education and will give our children the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society. We will strive to equip pupils with the skills needed to write effectively across a variety of genres and for a range of different audiences. Pupils will discuss and refine their ideas through speaking and listening activities. Using accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation and handwriting, written pieces will be clear, fluent and engaging. Pupils will edit and improve their work, taking pride and care in producing high-quality final drafts. Through the use of adventurous vocabulary, varied sentence structure, careful planning and imaginative flair, pupils’ writing will aim to engross and enthral the reader.

We teach through a 'journey' approach to writing. 



National Curriculum Programmes of Study are covered across the school. They are planned and delivered by teachers to inspire and challenge our pupils. Transcription and composition skills are progressive, enabling children to consolidate learning and acquire new skills as they journey through school. Pupils learn to write accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in, and for, a wide range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Each unit will be taught through a journey which has several stages. The journey for each unit follows this structure: 

Immerse - Pupils explore real life events, meaningful experiences, cross-curricular learning and launch a text.

Explore - Pupils explore themes, plot, organisation of the text, role play, explore concepts.

Skills - SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and composition.

Practice - The teacher models skills, teaches targets, basic skills, explore cohesion.

Plan -Pupils explore the implications of purpose/ audience/form.

Publish - Pupils edit, draft and publish their written outcome. 

In EYFS, a strong emphasis on the teaching of phonics contributes to the development of writing. Teaching begins with the formation of letters. At Highfield, because we take pride in achieving high-quality outcomes and strongly believe writing is still the preferred and most suitable method for some tasks, pupils are taught the print script to write letters and subsequent words.

There are many planned opportunities in EYFS to support the development of writing and pre-writing skill acquisition for example, speaking and listening activities, tasks that develop fine and gross motor skills and activities exploring media and materials.

In key stage 1 pupils develop their letter formation through learning the print script. Pupils are exposed to a range of genres throughout key stage 1 as a preload for a greater understanding of the different purposes of writing and transition into key stage 2, where pupils are expected to write proficiently in an increasing range of genres. Pupils are expected to build stamina in writing, using the correct basic marks of punctuation and write an increasing amount of sentences with their growing vocabulary. Spelling is taught through daily phonics lessons, segmenting to spell, during the modelled writing lessons, teaching will focus on applying this strategy. By the end of key stage 1, pupils are expected to build on their composition of several sentences to produce more sustained examples of writing in both fiction and non-fiction genres. Poetry is taught in key stage 1 to develop language and vocabulary.

In key stage 2, pupils are required to write with a fluent and joined style of handwriting. Grammar is planned and taught progressively across key stage 2 and embedded within the teaching of specific genres of writing. Spelling is taught as a dedicated weekly session. In daily literacy lessons pupils are taught the requisite skills to write competently across a broader range of genres with purpose. Pupils are taught to use high-quality language features, often unpicked from the study of the class text. 



Highfield CE primary school has a community of enthusiastic writers who enjoy showcasing their developing writing knowledge and skill. They are confident to take risks in their writing and love to discuss and share their ideas. Attainment in writing at the end of key stage 2 is well above national expectations as well as in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.