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The First Few Weeks Of A New School Year!

It's been a bust start to the new school year, and already, we've been getting up to a massive amount of learning! Here are some of the highlights...


The Year 5s and 6s are well into their place value unit now and showcasing real number knowledge to explain their ideas. In class this week, Year 6 used the cuisenaire rods to spot patterns and use the visual representation to highlight what they know when ordering and comparing numbers. Meanwhile, Year 5 have been learning to read, write and round large numbers up to six digits long, and have had a fun time learning to read years written in Roman numerals.


5/6 Science

In our science lessons, children have been looking at using their knowledge of light to explain how shadows are formed and created. They then explored some other examples of light behaving differently...


Sport Leaders

The first groups of Sport Leaders had their first tasks set this week! They used part of their lunch time to observe the coaches on the playground ready to feedback what they noticed. This Friday, they had the chance to discuss what they observed and begin practising running group games, putting into practice what they learnt. Stay tuned for more updates on this!