Gardening Club
Gardening club is in full swing!
Gardening club is in full swing!
The pupils in Lower KS2 really enjoyed Harry from Southern Water coming in this week to talk about sewers. The photos really grossed us all out!! We learnt with games and quizzes some important information about protecting our planet. Did you know a sewer pipe is only 10cm wide? And we must only flush the 3 P's down the drains... pee, poo and paper!
It's been an exciting start to term, launching a new topic of plants. This week pupils set up an experiment with seeds and will test the 'needs' of the plants for healthy growth. Some pupils also began their own gardening club, so we gave them some seeds and fenced them off an area by the pond. We cant wait for Spring and to see what grows.
Today we performed our Tudor dances in PE!
It was wonderful to hear all about Chinese New year today in a presentation the pupils had made.
This week we were lucky enough to have a STEM workshop run by Millie's parents in year 3/4. The pupils enjoyed a workshop where they had to get a Lego car across a paper bridge. But the problem was that paper is not a strong material.... or is it?! The different ways we folded the paper increased its strength. We also investigated how circles and triangles are much stronger than squares and rectangles. The pupils were all awarded an engineering certificate and had a wonderful time. Thank you to Waterman Aspen and Ramboll companies for coming in to inspire us.
Both Australasia and Africa got into PJs and party clothes today for either a film, karaoke, biscuit decorating and/ or Christmas craft this afternoon. These treats were earned because we have been counting up all of our reading diary entries. Well done for all the amazing reading!
This week year 3 and 4 visited Jane Austen's house in Alton for their Georgian topic!
It was wonderful today to walk to the Little Common and identify British trees by their leaves. This was taught in previous years but it can be hard to remember, so we revisited our learning. It was so fun looking at the environment around us, discussing seasonal changes and showing respect for our local area.
Just a small selection of our art work
Thank you Hemi for coming in and doing a wonderful workshop about the meaning of our school prayer.