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Year 3/4


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  • Dr Chapman visits

    Published 22/04/24, by emily bryant

    A big thank you to Dr Chapman and his fellow scientist Anastasia who came in to talk to year 3 and 4 today.

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  • Peace

    Published 16/04/24, by emily bryant

    This week in RE, year 3 and 4 reflected on the concept of 'peace'. We discussed what it made us think of and designed our own new world symbols that represented peace on Earth.  Take a look at some of these!

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  • Science month

    Published 19/03/24, by emily bryant

    Recently we have been lucky enough to have some super scientists visit us in 3/4. On Monday we had a 'silly scientist' from the Education group come in and talk to us on the three points of a fire triangle, solids liquids and gases and how air can expand with heat. His experiments were so fun! On Tuesday we had Professor Ivan Haigh and his PHD student Sunke from Southampton Oceanography centre talk to us about how small environmental changes can make a big difference. It was eye opening to see how our planet is changing and how we can help with tackling climate change. We all went home with a warming/ biodiversity stripe plus the feeling that we CAN make a positive difference. Thank you to all our visitors :)

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  • A wonderful talk

    Published 05/03/24, by emily bryant

    Bevin from Australasia planned and delivered a wonderful and interesting talk on some Parami cards he had. He explained Dhamma and went though the key skills. It was interesting to see so many similarities of values between this and other religions. Thanks Bevin, you spoke so proudly and educated us all.

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  • Classification

    Published 20/02/24, by emily bryant

    This term in science we are classifying living things. We performed research on the computers looking into body structure, diet, habitat etc. We then made classification keys. We had a lot of fun recapping previous learning such as omnivores, carnivores and herbivores then devloping our knowledge futher learning about vertbrates and invertebrates. It was wonderful to see the pupils working in pairs and small groups so well as they researched safely.

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  • DT Day

    Published 30/01/24, by emily bryant

    Today the pupils had a DT day whereby they designed different varieties of scones, flatbreads and muffins. They practised techniques like rolling, mixing and measuring. They chose their ingredients and evaluated them afterwards, proposing what they would do differently next time.

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  • Varjack Paw diaries

    Published 23/01/24, by emily bryant

    In year 3 and 4 we have been enjoying writing diary entries from the perspective of Varjack Paw (by SF Said). It has been wonderful to use a range of emotive language and similes to retell parts of the book. Well done year 3 and 4!

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  • May the force be with shoe

    Published 09/01/24, by emily bryant

    Year 3 and 4 have begun their new science topic on forces. We began our learning with exploring force measuring instruments and seeing how much force (in Newtons) needs to be exerted in a 'pull' of our shoe across a variety of surfaces. It was great fun to go all around the school, even outside to test our own experiments.

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  • Merry Christmas!

    Published 12/12/23, by emily bryant

    This week we have enjoyed the final week of school.

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  • Fossils!

    Published 05/12/23, by emily bryant

    Year 3 and 4 have been learning about fossils!

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  • Stone age gymnastics

    Published 14/11/23, by emily bryant

    Year 3 and 4 have been having fun with gymnastics in PE themed around tge book 'Stone Age Boy'.

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  • Science rocks!

    Published 01/11/23, by emily bryant

    Science Rocks!

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