Leadership Reading Training!
Earlier this week, Mr Dodson and Mr Upson had the privilege of attending a reading training session at Springhill Primary School. This inspiring event brought together teachers from various schools to share ideas, resources, and strategies for fostering a love of reading across our school communities.
One of the highlights of the evening was a session where teachers shared reviews of children’s books they had recently read for pleasure. Mr Dodson and Mr Upson also had the opportunity to discuss Highfield School’s progress towards achieving our Bronze Reading Award. They shared the exciting steps we’ve already taken to promote reading for pleasure, from our well-loved book corners to last term's parent event, and gathered valuable ideas from other schools working on similar goals.
A particularly thought-provoking part of the day centred around the question: How can we help every member of our school community – children, teachers, and parents alike – see themselves as readers? This sparked rich discussions about ways to nurture a genuine love of reading, from providing diverse and inclusive book choices to modelling positive reading habits and creating spaces where stories can be celebrated and shared.
The training left Mr Dodson and Mr Upson feeling inspired and full of fresh ideas to bring back to Highfield.